Some positive to end the week

 March 31, 2023

Some updates from the wheelchair and the van.

First, the van.  After we had gotten a letter from Travelers that they closed the case, our insurance Statefarm was going to process the claim.  Chris and I felt strongly that this was not their responsibility to do so after they've helped so much since Julian's accident.  In a last ditch effort to get someone at the valet company to help us, I facebook messaged the manager that the report was given to.  Not very professional, but I had called and spent hours trying to find emails with no success.  I just let her know the response back from Travelers, a little about our story, and our desire to have someone do the right thing.  She phoned me almost immediately after a message back.  She also was stunned by the response and told me she would take care of this for us and help Travelers process the claim.  It was a huge weight off our chest.  When something good happens, its outside of our norm and just makes us feel so good.  Her response showed true compassion for others which is all we are looking for from people we interact with.

The wheelchair hopefully is closer to being ordered.  We finally got the OT at Frazier and the rep at NSM in Columbia to communicate to each other.  I'm frustrated it took this long to get this to happen but hopefully this will put the ball in motion to order for Julian.  I emailed the OT that I know this is difficult to work with states you aren't familiar with and that every state has different forms and requirements to submit to insurance.  Sadly, there are so few good Spinal cord injury centers in the US that I'm sure we arent alone in the seeking care outside of your state.  It still will be a 4-6 months process to get it approved by insurance and then made by NSM, but at least it is one step closer.  

Yesterday was a beautiful day here in Kentucky.  I forced myself to leave the aprartment and go for a walk.  The sun was out and flowers were in bloom.  I'm so ready for more beautiful weather.  It really is good for the soul to have good weather to help your mood.


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