September 6, 2022

Think it’s good for everyone to have a happy place. Mine is sitting on the dock or porch at the lake and just getting to enjoy the beauty and peaceful moments we get there. Julian and I had a quick visit home for Labor Day. It was much needed for both of us to fill our cups so we can continue to put all of ourselves in Julian’s recovery. It’s so nice to just be 1 family unit again but hopefully this will be worth it in the long run which is the goal.
While we were home we enjoyed being with our family. Chris’s family came to chapin to celebrate his mom’s 70th birthday! Chris and I have always said how blessed we are to have such a strong family on both sides holding us up during this past year. We definitely wouldn’t be able to continue this aggressive path of healing if not for all of their help and support. We have all heard the saying to live life like it’s not a guarantee. I don’t think this really hits home until you experience firsthand just how fragile life is and tomorrows aren’t a given. I like to think I always lived life to the fullest but lives also get so busy working and raising kids that priorities get shifted. I love this picture from this weekend! While Chris’s family was all together we had a very rare chance to get pictures taken. I can’t wait to see the pictures taken by @reagan__mccracken. This is one someone took after all the pictures were done. @stacymstanford turned to me and said we should jump in. I immediately said sure. Kelly, Stacy and I all dressed up with makeup and hair done took a moment to enjoy the night, be able to laugh and love being carefree. So even though life is overwhelming sometimes, it’s great to have these moments to look back on and cherish. Missing my sister Jess in this who would not have hesitated jumping in as well! We hate to leave tomorrow, the weekend passed far too quickly but will count down til the next time.


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