August 18, 2022

The study has begun.  Julian is doing therapy 4-6 hours a day at Frazier.  He is doing so much work and not one single complaint.  I wish hard work end was all that was needed to equal success with this injury but sadly its not the case.  We heard from the beginning that it was up to the Lord, the Cord and what we do with it.  We are investing everything we can so that 1 of the 3 leaves no doubt we put 100% into finding a recovery.  I still find it hard to believe the Lord would allow something so terrible to happen to someone so young.  Being a nurse, I understood that bad things happen all the time that shouldn't and aren't fair.  It's hard though when it's your child.  It hits home and is a lot to bear.  I know I feel it and I know Chris does as well, the huge weight of the trickle effects of this injury.  Our life will not be the same,  this will alwasy be a turning point in our life.  I just pray we come out of this whole and a strong family unit.  That all my kids know how much they are loved, even when we are separated by miles.  We can't control the damage done to the cord, but we can be advocates for research, and championing new developements to conquer what medicine as always been taught as the "uncurable".  I hope patients in the future are given options, instead of "you need to join a support group because your son will never walk or use his hands or breathe unassisted again". This is now 2022, medicine continues to evole and I pray this is an area that a breakthrough will happen.  


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