August 28, 2022 HOPE Since Julian's accident, this is the word that keeps coming to mind when we think of Julian's future. We have always said you have to remain hopeful that his injury will improve. My sister and I had been talking about getting a tattoo that said hope for his 1 year anniversary of injury. Jess jumped out there and called me to tell me she got hers. So I scheduled an appointment and went the next couple days. I am 45 without a tattoo, but this has been the only meaningful thing I have thought I would want to look at every day. And I catch myself glancing at it here and there, it is a constant reminder not to give up. Surprisingly we told our dad we got one and he went the next day and got the exact same one for him as well. I'm sure they were shocked that a 70 year old came in for their first tattoo as well. I was looking at quotes last night that involved hope and it made it so much clearer that this is the w...